Founder of Black Stock Footage, LLC

Black Stock Footage is a bold social movement. A fusion of creativity, culture, and innovation. Our art is leveling the playing field by amplifying more authentic cultural narratives, dispelling biases, and breathing new life into everyday Black experiences via our stock video platform.

As a collective curator of Black culture, we promise to continue trailblazing with empathy, love, and compassion to make stock content of Black representation more visible, accessible, and equitable for our growing community of video creators like you.

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Mission & Vision

Our mission is to bridge the gap between Black representation and creative storytelling for everyone.

Our vision is to be the best and largest stock video supplier of Black representation.

From Culture To Content.

At Black Stock Footage, we preserve and celebrate Black cultures, ensuring they are seen, understood, and appreciated on a global scale. We are committed to fostering visibility, accessibility, and representation through every frame we capture and every story we tell.

Search Stock Videos By Skin Tones

We understand the importance of representation and the nuances that come with it. That's why we created the Hue Selector™, a unique and innovative feature designed to empower our users to search for stock video content by skin tone.

Industry Demand


Revenue opportunity to increase
Black representation in digital media

McKinsey & Company


Black consumers favor brands
with racially inclusive advertising

Google’s Think with Google


Black buying power in the U.S.,
set to surpass $2 trillion by 2026
